05 July, 2007

Logging to SysLog

Trace logging of significant events is a fundamental method for debugging and isolating errors encountered. User warnings, pop-up notification boxes, and application-level log files are one way to go. Another; to make use of the standard system log services found on *nix systems. The remainder of this post will some brief information I've recently discovered concerning interfacing with the system log services.

The syslog system import defines the interface:

extern void syslog (int __pri, __const char *__fmt, ...)

which allows for variable-lengthed argument lists, much like printf. The interface is pretty simple, the first argument specifies a priority or type of log statement; the second, a formatted string in the same form that printf takes.

A simple C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <syslog.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"%s process started", argv[0]);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"%s process terminating", argv[0]);

Compile and running this example will result in two log entries in the system logs. Determining what log will contain the log statements can be determined by 1) the log type, and 2) the /etc/syslog.conf file. Note, that the log type is defined as LOG_NOTICE, and the entry in the syslog.conf file entry;

mail,news.none -/var/log/messages

shows that the notice log entries will be evident in /var/log/messages.

Since the files are only accessible to superusers, logging in as root and tailing the log file should show the messages in the same manner as:

# cat /var/tmp/messages
Jul 5 20:30:18 riffraff syslogd 1.4.1#18: restart.
Jul 5 20:42:07 riffraff app: ./app process started
Jul 5 20:42:10 riffraff app: ./app process terminating

You can interface with the syslog service using scripts as well.

$ logger -p user.notice "hello again"
# cat /var/tmp/messages
Jul 5 20:42:07 riffraff app: ./app process started
Jul 5 20:42:10 riffraff app: ./app process terminating
Jul 5 21:04:06 riffraff lipeltgm: hello again

Pretty slick, huh?