28 August, 2007

Gprof Profiling

Profiling is a mechanism for identifying program 'hotspots', identifying where your program spends a good majority of it's time. These regions are prime candidates for optimizations, where concentration of efficiency will give you the most bang for your buck.

Profiling with Gprof consists of 3-phases: 1) compiling your application with profiling enabled, 2) executing the application to gather profiling metrics, and 3) evaluating the collected metrics.

You first must compile your application similar to the way you normally compile it. Two additional flags must be specified however, the -pg option to enable profiling, and the -g option to introduce the debugging symbols for tracking source lines of code. Actually, the -g option is only necessary for line-by-line profiling, but for good measure I suggest specifying it regardless.

$ gcc -pg -g foo.c -o foo

You run your application in the same manner as your normally run it, specifying the same arguments, inputs, outputs, . . . What you may notice however is that the program will execute slower than normal. This is reasonable when you consider what is taking place. Profiling metrics are collected during the execution of the program. Worth noting, your executable needs to terminate in a normal fashion, by returning from the main routine or calling exit().
Immediately prior to terminating the program, an output file (gmon.out) is generated that contains the collected profiling metrics. This file will later be used in evaluating the program performance.

Evaluation of the results stored in the gmon.out file is the last step in our quest. Various types of reports are available from the collected profiler info, the most readily used is the flat model. This is done by executing the command:

$ gprof foo

This results in the default report, a flat model followed by the call graph. The flat model will depict the list of functions in decreasing order with respect to time spent in each function. This allows for quick evaluation of the functions that your application spends most it's time in. You may notice that two functions appear in every profile; mcount and profil, each function is part of the profiling apparatus. The time spent in both functions can be viewed as profiler overhead.

12 August, 2007

FFMpeg Video Clip Generation

Hey all,

I just published my first two videos on YouTube.

I downloaded a couple videos from our Tivo, used tivodecode to decode to Mpegs and FFMpeg to extract 30 sec clips.

$ ffmpeg -ss 600 -t 30 -i infile.mpg outfile.mpg

Will result in seeking in 10 min, encoding the next 30 seconds from infile.mpg and saving to outfile.mpg

02 August, 2007

Theora/Ogg Example

I've recently been playing with Theora for encoding video. I found few examples for encoding raw video frames, and those I found were more complicated that I wanted. Below you will find my first toe-dip in the Theora realm. It basically generates a spinning dot in the middle of the frame and encodes to video at 10 frames per sec.

Have fun.

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ogg h="">
#include "theora/theora.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

static FILE *ogg_fp = NULL;
static ogg_stream_state ogg_os;
static theora_state theora_td;
static theora_info theora_ti;

static int
theora_open(const char *pathname)
printf("(%s:%d) out filename: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,pathname);
ogg_packet op;
ogg_page og;
theora_comment tc;

ogg_fp = fopen(pathname, "wb");
if(!ogg_fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s\n",
pathname, "couldn't open output file");
return 1;

if(ogg_stream_init(&ogg_os, rand())) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s\n",
pathname, "couldn't create ogg stream state");
return 1;

if(theora_encode_init(&theora_td, &theora_ti)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s\n",
pathname, "couldn't initialize theora encoding");
return 1;

theora_encode_header(&theora_td, &op);
ogg_stream_packetin(&ogg_os, &op);
if(ogg_stream_pageout(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);

// encode a comment into the packet
theora_encode_comment(&tc, &op);
ogg_stream_packetin(&ogg_os, &op);
if(ogg_stream_pageout(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);

theora_encode_tables(&theora_td, &op);
ogg_stream_packetin(&ogg_os, &op);
if(ogg_stream_pageout(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);

if(ogg_stream_flush(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);

return 0;

static int
theora_write_frame(unsigned long w, unsigned long h, unsigned char *yuv)
yuv_buffer yuv_buf;
ogg_packet op;
ogg_page og;

unsigned long yuv_w;
unsigned long yuv_h;

unsigned char *yuv_y;
unsigned char *yuv_u;
unsigned char *yuv_v;

unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;

/* Must hold: yuv_w >= w */
yuv_w = (w + 15) & ~15;

/* Must hold: yuv_h >= h */
yuv_h = (h + 15) & ~15;

yuv_y = malloc(yuv_w * yuv_h);
yuv_u = malloc(yuv_w * yuv_h / 4);
yuv_v = malloc(yuv_w * yuv_h / 4);

yuv_buf.y_width = yuv_w;
yuv_buf.y_height = yuv_h;
yuv_buf.y_stride = yuv_w;
yuv_buf.uv_width = yuv_w >> 1;
yuv_buf.uv_height = yuv_h >> 1;
yuv_buf.uv_stride = yuv_w >> 1;
yuv_buf.y = yuv_y;
yuv_buf.u = yuv_u;
yuv_buf.v = yuv_v;

for(y = 0; y <x =" 0;" y =" 0;" x =" 0;">> 1) + (y >> 1) * (yuv_w >> 1)] = 0;
yuv_v[(x >> 1) + (y >> 1) * (yuv_w >> 1)] = 0;

for(y = 0; y < x =" 0;" y =" 0;" x =" 0;">> 1) + (y >> 1) * (yuv_w >> 1)] =
yuv[3 * (x + y * w) + 1];
yuv_v[(x >> 1) + (y >> 1) * (yuv_w >> 1)] =
yuv[3 * (x + y * w) + 2];

if(theora_encode_YUVin(&theora_td, &yuv_buf)) {
return 1;

if(!theora_encode_packetout(&theora_td, 0, &op)) {
return 1;

ogg_stream_packetin(&ogg_os, &op);
if(ogg_stream_pageout(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);


return 0;

static void
ogg_packet op;
ogg_page og;
static int theora_initialized = 0;

if (theora_initialized) {
theora_encode_packetout(&theora_td, 1, &op);
if(ogg_stream_pageout(&ogg_os, &og)) {
fwrite(og.header, og.header_len, 1, ogg_fp);
fwrite(og.body, og.body_len, 1, ogg_fp);




main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c;
int n;
unsigned i;
const char* const outFile="foo.ogg";
const unsigned NumFrames = 512;

const unsigned Width = 640/2;
const unsigned Height = 480/2;
const int video_fps_numerator = 30;
const int video_fps_denominator = 1;
const int video_aspect_numerator = 0;
const int video_aspect_denominator = 0;
const int video_rate = 0;
const int video_quality = 63;

theora_ti.width = ((Width + 15) >>4)<<4; height =" ((Height">>4)<<4; frame_width =" Width;" frame_height =" Height;" offset_x =" 0;" offset_y =" 0;" fps_numerator =" video_fps_numerator;" fps_denominator =" video_fps_denominator;" aspect_numerator =" video_aspect_numerator;" aspect_denominator =" video_aspect_denominator;" colorspace =" OC_CS_UNSPECIFIED;" pixelformat =" OC_PF_420;" target_bitrate =" video_rate;" quality =" video_quality;" dropframes_p =" 0;" quick_p =" 1;" keyframe_auto_p =" 1;" keyframe_frequency =" 64;" keyframe_frequency_force =" 64;" keyframe_data_target_bitrate =" video_rate" keyframe_mindistance =" 8;" noise_sensitivity =" 1;" i="0;" frame="" d="" of="" n="" r="255;" const="" unsigned="" char="" y="(abs(R" 2104="" g="255;" 4130="" b="255;" 802="" 4096="">> 13);
unsigned char U = (abs(R * -1214 + G * -2384 + B * 3598 + 4096 + 1048576) >> 13);
unsigned char V = (abs(R * 3598 + G * -3013 + B * -585 + 4096 + 1048576) >> 13);
// generate a frame with specified color
unsigned i;
for(i = 0; i < r =" 0;" g =" 0;" b =" 255;" y =" (abs(R">> 13);
unsigned char U = (abs(R * -1214 + G * -2384 + B * 3598 + 4096 + 1048576) >> 13);
unsigned char V = (abs(R * 3598 + G * -3013 + B * -585 + 4096 + 1048576) >> 13);
const unsigned cX = Width/2;
const unsigned cY = Height/2;
const unsigned Radius = 50;
static double theta = 0.0;
const unsigned x = Radius * sin(theta) + cX;
const unsigned y = Radius * cos(theta) + cY;
const unsigned k=3*(x + (Width*y));
theta -= 5.0 * 3.14159/180.0;
yuv[k] = Y;
yuv[k+1] = G;
yuv[k+2] = B;

if(theora_write_frame(Width, Height, yuv)) {

return 0;