04 February, 2011

Android SDK Upgrade

Well, I've been lagging behind the Android SDK primarily because I didn't want to interrupt my completing my first Android app. I unsuccessfuly attempted to update from v7 to v8 but found that v8 didn't work for Debian at the time and I didn't want to spend the effort resolving.

Fast-forward to today, I updated to v9 and attempted to build my application developed with v7 and immediately was faced with the following error while attempting a build;

user@River:~/AndroidDev/SpinTheBottle$ make clean
ant clean
Buildfile: /home/user/AndroidDev/SpinTheBottle/build.xml

/home/user/AndroidDev/SpinTheBottle/build.xml:46: taskdef class com.android.ant.SetupTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]

Total time: 0 seconds
make: *** [clean] Error 1

Google advised me that I only needed to update my project by executing the following command;

$ android update project --path ~/AndroidDev/SpinTheBottle

Re-building was then successful.


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