24 March, 2008

Same Kid, New Block

Today was the first day at our new office location.

Prior to the move, we found time to scope out our new cube locations.
My immediate neighbor went by the name Andrea. My co-worker taunted
"I'll bet she'll be a smokin' hottie". I laughed, given the hit ratio in
the engineering profession.

Turns out, that he was right. My neighbor is quite fetching. You'd
think that this would be a blessing, given that day-to-day face-to-face
encounters are with people with 5-o'clock shadow....men and women.
Turns out that there is a dark side to having an attractive
neighbor....every man with a pulse finds a reason to visit with her on a daily basis.
This results in an endless stream of distractions so far. While I'm
sure that this is an inconvenience for her, I wouldn't have guessed it
to be such an inconvenience to me (sigh).

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